A bomb threat was called into a Pennsylvania polling location on Tuesday and prompted police to evacuate a boy's soccer game and polling place.
The Radnor Superintendent of Police, Christopher Flanagan said it was considered a low risk, but they still cleared the polling location at the Radnor High School in Delaware County. People were still able to cast their votes.
Flanagan said the threat came in via email at 6:01 p.m.and it was general to the property.
"Radnor police and the Radnor Township School District received a threat, a bomb threat, that specifically threatened the safety of the school," Flanagan said.
The polling location was moved to an elementary school and voting hours for that location were extended to 9 p.m.
Police officials said the threat came just as a soccer game playoff started and voters were casting their ballots. They were forced to evacuate about 100 people.
Police said they did a sweep of the school. Detectives are working with the FBI.
Wednesday will be a normal school day, but police will have an increased presence
Source CBS Philadelphia