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How to check if you are registered to vote

With the presidential election approaching in less than two months, it is important to verify you are registered to vote.

Are you registered?

Before you request an absentee ballot or look up the address of your polling place, it's important to make sure you are registered to vote.

States try to keep their voter registration lists as accurate as possible. This means removing registrations of voters who are no longer residents or marking some registrations as inactive.

You may be marked inactive if you:

  • Do not respond to election officials’ postcards or letters and

  • Have not voted in the last two federal general elections (a midterm and a presidential election)

If your registration is inactive, there are some extra steps you may need to take before you can vote - If you don't, you may have to cast a provisional ballot.

By checking/updating (as needed) your registrations ahead of time -

  • Your name, address, and party affiliation are up-to-date.

  • You have time to make any necessary changes if your registration is marked inactive.

  • You can vote.

  • You know your correct polling place.

Voter registration deadlines

Voter registration deadlines are for the November 05, 2024 election.

  • Online registration deadline: Monday, October 21, 2024

  • Register by mail deadline: Must be received by Monday, October 21, 2024

  • In-person registration deadline: Monday, October 21, 2024

The easiest way to check if you're registered to vote:

It's best to go to either your state’s official website, or

For residents in Pennsylvania, go to:

If you find that you’re already on the registry and listed as an active voter, you’re all set to vote. But if you haven’t voted in four or more years, your voting status may be listed as “inactive.”

If this happens, take a look at your state’s election office website to find out how to reactivate your voting status (the process differs from state-to-state).

For those in Pennsylvania, go to:

Remember: Registration requirements and deadlines vary by state. You can find that information through the U.S. Vote Foundation or your state or territory’s election office.

For Pennsylvania -

Check early and regularly, especially before such a major election.

Why support WGOLV:

How you can give and be a part of something wonderful for our community:

What makes What's going on in the Lehigh Valley unique?

What's going on in the Lehigh Valley is a mom-owned and-run news publication for nearly 14 and has become a trusted source of information for thousands of people in and around the Lehigh Valley.

With nearly 80k followers on Facebook and another 5k plus on a music page, What's going on in the Lehigh Valley has become an important source of information, news, and events for many years.   In addition to articles on WGOLV, I add weather and traffic alerts, safety alerts, breaking news, food, and product recalls, Amber Alerts, information from police and state police, townships, city officials, missing persons/pets, and inform the community on special events, to the Facebook page of What's going on in the Lehigh Valley (as well as the website).

WGOLV also adds live broadcasts and in-person interviews to make it enjoyable and educational. Subscribers to the Facebook page can also receive additional content and have the ability to express their appreciation with a badge for the hours and effort that go into creating the content on the Facebook page. It's completely optional.

 As a mom-owned and run business, it takes a great deal of time and income to run What's going on in the Lehigh Valley and has been all self-funded.

"News never stops" - There's always breaking news and information to publish each day to keep the community informed.

How WGOLV gives back and helps the community:

Raises income for those in need -

WGOLV gives back by helping many in the community - raising thousands for those in need with cancer, pediatric cancer, and those who've experienced tragedy and fires for many years. That's done through writing articles and sharing them to social media. It can be a GoFundMe sent in or something I come across - someone in need - a child, an adult - even a business.

I've always had a heart to help others. Articles reach thousands and thousands. A great deal of income has been raised over the years for people in need.

Helps non-profits, missing persons, missing pets -

WGOLV helps newly formed non-profits get word out to the community through articles, drawing out thousands to events, raising thousands for them, and helps with locating missing persons - I often speak to family members who contact me directly - many who have been found over the years - I get the word out via articles on the website and Facebook page.

WGOLV is educational and provides a great deal of information:

WGOLV has also worked closely with Wolfpack Search and Recovery for many years on missing persons. WGOLV also gets word out on missing pets, recalls, alerts, weather alerts, breaking news and so much more - lots of very important and critical information for the community. Safety for the community has always been a large component of WGOLV - even through various articles I've written on weather safety, riptides etc.. - educating the public to help keep them safe. As a previous teacher, I enjoy educating and informing the public. I also add a lot of very interesting information on What's going on in the Lehigh Valley.

Helping people in the community, small businesses, animal rescues, food bands, musicians

One of my main goals has been to help people in our community for years and I also believe in

helping support our small business owners in the community, animal rescues, food banks, and promoting our Lehigh Valley musicians.

WGOLV answers messages at all times of day (even into the early morning hours) from those writing in for help.

WGOLV is also a proud supporter of our First Responders, military, and Veterans as well as local animal rescues, K-9's and Mounted Patrol.

Each year WGOLV is a Sponsor of National Night Out in the community.

Each donation makes a difference -

Because WGOLV is all self-funded, every donation make a difference. I can't do this without the support of the community. It takes a great deal of time to write articles and create content. Unlike other publications, WGOLV is all self-funded and run by one person.

Each donation helps to provide the news and information you see each day on the website and on the Facebook page. It helps with all the many expenses to keep the website running and the time invested to bring you the news every day and give back to the community.

Donations can be any amount. It can also be set up so you can give monthly.

Thank you so much for your support.


Owner, Reporter, Journalist

What's going on in the Lehigh Valley


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