BETHLEHEM, Pa. - Earlier this evening, Musikfest announced they were shutting down all outdoor events and performances, according to an announcement on their Facebook page.
They said that indoor events would be held at the ArtsQuest Center and remain open and go on as scheduled.
They said that Sasxsquatch, The Amish Outlaws, and other musical performances were on.

Earlier today, Musikfest announced that the Old Dominion concert would start earlier than scheduled for the safety of their patrons and performers, volunteers, vendors, and staff. They said gates were to open at 4 pm, and the show to begin at 5 pm.
"The safety of our patrons, performers, volunteers, vendors and staff is of the utmost importance to our organization," ArtsQuest Director of Communications Jennifer LoConte said in a recent press release. "We ask that ticketholders check back regularly on, Musikfest social media channels and the Musikfest App powered by PNC."
Old Dominion posted on Instagram that Kassi Ashton would hit the stage at 4:15 p.m.,and the band would perform at 5 p.m., but the Old Dominion concert was cut short due to the weather.
At 5:30 p.m. Musikfest announced that everyone should seek shelter in their vehicles or nearby buildings and by 7 pm, outdoor activities were officially canceled for the night.
ATTN ‘Festers and Old Dominion concertgoers,
(6:23PM UPDATE...Hello 'festers. Please continue to seek shelter while we wait for an update on re-opening the festival. Safety is our priority. Stay tuned for further updates. The ArtsQuest Center remains open and all events scheduled there will continue. )
The Old Dominion concert has concluded for the evening and will not resume. Everyone should head to safety as we temporarily suspend the rest of the festival. Safe structures include your vehicles, the ArtsQuest Center if you’re on the SouthSide or local businesses. (Under tents or bridges are not safe structures).
Check back regularly on the Musikfest App powered by PNC, or Musikfest social media channels as we wait for the weather to pass to reopen the rest of Musikfest. Indoor events scheduled in the ArtsQuest Center will continue.
At this time, Musikfest is shutting down for the evening for all OUTDOOR events and performances. As stated earlier, indoor events held at the ArtsQuest Center will remain open and as scheduled. Saxsquatch, The Amish Outlaws and other musical performances are on. Hope to see you there!
Some on social media expressed dissatisfaction that they paid for tickets and the show was cut short. Some also said that it should have been canceled due to the impending weather. and one individual stated that her parents missed the e-mail from Musikfest and they missed the entire show.
Planners note that one of the common conditions of buying tickets is that start times are subject to change.