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Shelter in place lifted in a Northampton County neighborhood, man in custody

Writer's picture: Lori Lee WGOLVLori Lee WGOLV

LEHIGH TWP., Pa. A shelter-in-place order has been lifted for a Northampton County neighborhood after an hours-long police incident.

At approximately 11:30 pm, on Tuesday, April 23, Lehigh Township Police responded to a domestic disturbance call.

According to police, a 32-year-old woman came to the police station and reported she was assaulted by her husband.

During the course of the investigation, officers observed injuries consistent with a domestic assault and obtained an arrest warrant for her husband.

The woman told police that her husband had made threats of suicide and had sent a text to her with a message and a photograph of him holding a handgun and threatening to shoot police if they came to the house, according to the report.

Lehigh Township Police Officers assisted in setting up a safe perimeter around the home in the 4600 block of Steven Lane - outside of Walnutport.

Numerous attempts were made to contact the subject, as he was believed to be in the house.

Attempts were made via phone calls and over PA loudspeaker, according to police.

Police determined it was likely he was in the house and a search warrant was obtained.

PA State Police were notified and a request was made for the Emergency Response Team to respond.

While communicating with the SERT commander, the subject, identified as 41-year-old, Adam Banotai exited the residence. Upon observing the police, he retreated back inside the residence.

Police requested Banotai to surrender several times.

A gun was observed in close proximity to Banotai through a sliding glass door, according to the report.

Banotai refused to come out, so local officers maintained a perimeter to await the State Police SERT team.

After communication was re-established, a negotiator from the State Police was able to get Banotai to surrender and exit the house and he was taken into custody without further incident.

The shelter-in-place had been issued just before 6 a.m. Wednesday and lifted when Banotai was taken into custody.

Banotai was arraigned on charges of simple assault and harassment.

Bail was set at $30,000 straight.

Agencies that assisted with the incident:

 The PA State Police

Moore Township Police

 North Catasauqua

 Northampton Borough

 Walnutport Borough

 Slatington Borough

Lehigh Twsp Fire, Northampton Regional EMS, as well as the Public Works Department assisted with shutting down the road and being on standby.

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