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The Full Snow Moon will peak early Saturday morning

Writer's picture: Lori Lee WGOLVLori Lee WGOLV

This month's full moon is called the Snow Moon - also known as a micromoon.

It's the second full moon of the year and will peak Saturday morning, February 24..

What is a micromoon?

A micromoon (or minimoon) is the exact opposite of a supermoon. It means that the moon is at its apogee -the furthest point from the Earth - and appears slightly smaller than the average full moon. - It appears 14% smaller and 30% dimmer than a supermoon.

When to see the full Snow Moon

The full moon occurs at 7:30 a.m. EST on Saturday, Feb. 24, but at that time, it will be below the horizon. Luckily, it will appear full in the sky on both Friday and Saturday nights.

Why is February's full moon called the Snow Moon?

February's full moon is known as the Snow Moon because historically February is the snowiest month of the year in the continental U.S.

It is also sometimes called the Hungry Moon because of the scarce food sources and difficult hunting conditions or the Bear Moon because bear cubs are born this time of year.

The next full moon is on March 25.

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